NYU Hemispheric Institute: EMERGE 2015

NYU Hemispheric Institute: Emerge 2015



In this workshop participants addressed concepts within the gradient of TONE: the notions of sound, music, tuning, resonance, timbre, tone of voice, inflection, attitude, color, brightness or deepness of hue, rhetoric, strength, overtone, undertone, character, emphasis, resonance, approach, feel, manner, mood, quality, hue plus grey, firmness, and skin tone.


Andre Ignacio Dimapilis, Anthony Rosado, Ashley Brockington, Daniel Giordano, Edgar Ulloa, Gabriela Paz Espinosa, Gregory James, Helen Gutowski, JoyceLeeAnn Joseph, Maria Toro, Mariel Berger, Max Siegling, Nefertiti Asanti, Omolara Williams McCallister, Ray Ferreira, Sriya Sarkar, Stephano Espinoza.